Digital Viewbooks for Graduate Programs – DePaul University

Crafted thoroughly to align with DePaul University's recent (at that time) brand overhaul, our microsites serve as a tailored response to prospective students' inquiries (mostly online) about graduate programs across eight schools within the university.

My Role
UX/UI Designer

UX/UI Designer, Front-end Developer, Back-end Developer, Project Manager, Art Director

DePaul University schools


This project provided a significant opportunity for professional development as both a designer and art director, allowing me to hone my skills in iterative design processes and effectively communicate design rationale to both team members and clients. Collaborating closely with developers further enriched the project, ensuring the refinement of the final product. Undoubtedly, digital viewbooks have emerged as invaluable assets for DePaul University, facilitating the expansion of its reach and the distribution of information regarding its graduate programs.

How It Works

Each visitor receives a personalized viewbook corresponding to their expressed interests, showcasing detailed information about their chosen program or offering a comprehensive overview of all available programs within their college of interest. Tasked with maintaining brand consistency while catering to graduate audiences, I developed a distinctive identity within the established brand guidelines, culminating in a mini-style guide for future graduate-oriented materials.

How It Looked Before Redesign

Before 2019, only a select few schools at DePaul University had digital graduate viewbooks available. These viewbooks were crafted to align with the branding standards of the time. One such example is the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business viewbook, showcased below.


Prior to the introduction of digital viewbooks, DePaul University distributed carefully crafted printed booklets to prospective students via traditional mail. In this role, I was tasked with:

  • Strategize the optimal visual and experiential design to captivate our target audience of prospective graduate students.

  • Develop adaptable design templates tailored for reuse in graduate digital viewbooks, enhancing efficiency and consistency.

  • Engage clients (schools) with a diverse array of concepts and ideas through presentations.

  • Incorporate feedback to refine design iterations and ensure alignment with client expectations.

  • Conduct rigorous testing of mockups and concepts with focus groups to validate effectiveness and user experience.

  • Collaborate closely with developers to ensure seamless integration and real-world visual appeal of designs.

User Stories

Below are user stories that emerged from interviews and discussions with individuals and academic institutions:

  • As a prospective graduate student, I want to easily access comprehensive information about DePaul University's graduate programs, so that I can make informed decisions about my academic and professional future.

  • As a current undergraduate student considering graduate studies, I want a user-friendly interface on the DePaul University graduate viewbooks website, allowing me to explore various programs and understand admission requirements effortlessly.

  • As a working professional interested in advancing my career through further education, I want the DePaul University graduate viewbooks website to provide clear pathways and information regarding part-time, evening, or online graduate program options to accommodate my schedule.

  • As a faculty member or academic advisor at another institution, I want access to detailed information about DePaul University's graduate offerings on the viewbooks website, enabling me to recommend suitable programs to prospective students.

  • As a DePaul University alumna/alumnus interested in pursuing advanced studies, I want the graduate viewbooks website to highlight alumni success stories, showcasing the impact of graduate programs on career trajectories and professional achievements.

User Journey Example


I facilitated a collaborative process wherein I presented various design concepts to the team. Through iterative discussions guided by client feedback, we collectively refined our options. Ultimately, six out of eight colleges gravitated towards a specific design direction, while the remaining two opted for an alternative approach that better resonated with their brand identity and character.

Concept One

This design concept employs overlapping rectangles, lines, and gradients strategically to evoke a sense of structure, progression, and sophistication tailored to prospective graduate students, our primary audience. The overlapping rectangles symbolize the interconnectedness of academic disciplines and the multifaceted nature of graduate studies, emphasizing the university's commitment to holistic education. The lines incorporated into the design signify directionality and momentum, suggesting a clear path forward in the pursuit of academic and professional goals. Gradients are utilized to add depth and dimensionality to the design, symbolizing the journey of growth and advancement that graduate education offers.

Collectively, these elements convey a message of purpose, growth, and opportunity, resonating with the aspirations and ambitions of prospective graduate students as they embark on their educational journey at DePaul University.

Concept Two

This design concept utilizes bold typography for headers, diagonal lines, and opacity to create a dynamic and engaging user experience. Bold typography conveys strength, confidence, and authority, reflecting the university's academic rigor and commitment to excellence in graduate education. Diagonal lines introduce a sense of movement and progression, symbolizing forward momentum and the transformative journey of higher learning. The strategic use of opacity adds depth and dimensionality to the design, inviting exploration and discovery while also fostering a sense of transparency and accessibility.

Together, these design elements evoke a feeling of empowerment, aspiration, and possibility, resonating with the ambitions and goals of prospective graduate students as they navigate their educational and professional pathways at DePaul University.


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